Think of any situation you encounter when the stakes are high and you want to get something done right the first time. What you do in this situation is hire a professional to do the job. Whether the job is a new kitchen in your home, medical emergencies or managing legal issues, your best bet is to hire a professional to get the job done right and quickly. The same philosophy holds true for when you need to get a product or service to market within the biotechnology marketplace however there are many more potential potholes and complexities to consider. You read all the time on the Internet that things like Google AdWords, Social Media and Search Engine Optimization are all that it is about when it comes to companies effectively being able to market to their target clients. Although these things are important, they are only a small part of what your overall marketing strategy needs to entail.
At Accelerant Sales Group, we have clients every year that call us and say that they have spent tens of thousands of dollars on paid AdWords and web advertising with very little to sometimes no results at all. They think there is a magic bullet and that all of a sudden the marketing initiative will simply take off and they can get back to what they want to do which is providing great products and services. The biggest thing they are missing is trust, brand recognition and relationships with their clients.